Carp set Delphin CORSAR

Carp set Delphin CORSAR

109,95 €

If you can’t decide how to combine different parts of a carp fishing ensemble, Delphin CORSAR set is here to help.

Technical information:

Carp set Delphin CORSAR | 360cm /2parts + 8T contains:
Rod Delphin CORSA BLACK Carp SiC | 360cm/3.25lbs/2 parts
Reel Delphin CORZAR 8T | 6+1

Carp set Delphin CORSAR | 360cm /2parts + 8T contains:
Rod Delphin CORSA BLACK Carp SiC | 360cm/3.25lbs/3 parts
Reel Delphin CORZAR 8T | 6+1

Liczba części
  • 2 części
  • 3 części
Available (6 Przedmioty)