Boiler production set CCMOORE Fluo Orange Pop Up Making Pack

Boiler production set CCMOORE Fluo Orange Pop Up Making Pack


Extremely buoyant pop up mix for making fluoro orange pop ups & wafters. Binds well and produces tough, spongy baits with excellent flavor leakage, durability, consistent buoyancy and can be trimmed easily to balance your rigs.


This highly effective pop up mix makes bespoke, fluoro orange, floating hookbaits very simple to produce. It makes round, firm, very buoyant baits when mixed with eggs and only needs to be simmered for two minutes, thus saving on attractor losses during the cooking process.


  • 200g Making Pack = 200g Fluoro Orange Pop Up Mix + 50ml Liquid Bait Preservative

How to make your pop ups:

  1. Whiskey 1 medium egg with the flavors, preservative and attractors of your choice
  2. Add pop up mix to create the desired paste texture (pliable but not sticky)
  3. Leave paste in a sealed plastic bag for> 30mins
  4. Roll baits to size and shape required
  5. Simmer in water for 1-2 minutes then leave to dry
  6. Dry for further 24-72hrs depending on required hardness

Usage Tips:

  • The longer you dry your hookbaits, the more buoyant they will become
  • When your baits are fully dried, give them a light coating of your attractors and allow it to soak in, boosting their attraction potential
  • Try making different shaped pop ups such as dumbells and even pyramids which are more unusual and often treated with less suspension
  • To add further taste, aroma and visual stimulation just before you use them, try coring out a pop up before inserting a pre-attractor-soaked piece of different colored foam
  • This mix can be used to make wafters by mixing it with a base mix or non-buoyant ingredients

Data sheet

Type of fishing