An unusual set of electronic interceptors with a receiver, which clearly distinguishes you from the rest of the fishermen. Technical parameters: Set 2+1 contains: -...
The electronic signaling device is switched on by holding down the V button located on the side. It has 5 different volume levels, including silent mode, in which the image is...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team. Technical information: Overall lenght: 8,8cm...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several original needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team. Technical information: Overall...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several original needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team. Technical information: Overall...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several original needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team.
Technical information: Overall...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several original needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team. Technical information: Overall...
A T-END series named GripX consists of several original needles and a drill, completely designed by a Delphin development team. Technical information: Overall...
A needle series T-END GripXF has handles made from fluorescent plastic that light up in the dark. This sets them apart from the other standard tools and you won’t loose them...
A needle series T-END GripXF has handles made from fluorescent plastic that light up in the dark. This sets them apart from the other standard tools and you won’t loose them...
A needle series T-END GripXF has handles made from fluorescent plastic that light up in the dark. This sets them apart from the other standard tools and you won’t loose them...