Bag with containers Delphin Baitz SPACE C2G

Bag with containers Delphin Baitz SPACE C2G

19,95 €

Delphin SPACE is an exclusive bag and backpack series by Delphin. It has high quality manufacture, solid zips, and a unique design with a C2G camouflage.

BAITZ is designed to store and transport your dip baits. It contains 6 transparent plastic containers with a lid and a gasket. The gaskets on the containers allows you to store dipped boilies, pellets, or other types of bait. The dividers inside divide the space into 6 identical compartments that will keep your items well organised.

The walls and the lid are properly fitted with a 6 mm thick padding. The lid of the bag has a mesh pocket to store additional fishing accessories. Another advantage is a smaller pocket in front to store needles or stoppers for a quick rig assembly.

Compact dimensions of the bag and a textile handle make for an easy transport.

Technical information:
External dimensions: 30x17x10 cm
Compartment size: 8.5x8x7.5 cm
Number of compartments: 6
Container dimensions: 6,7x8,5cm
Container volume: 250ml