Tik internetu Multipurpose pliers with a bent tip Delphin BENDIX

Multipurpose pliers with a bent tip Delphin BENDIX

7,95 €
Dėl pristatymo termino prašome teirautis.

Delphin BENDIX are multipurpose pliers with a bent tip to remove hooks from predator mouths when they get stuck. They are 16 cm long. Inside, the jaws have good gripping surface even for big double or triple hooks. Plus, they can cut steel and tungsten lines and they are fitted with a crimping part for simple and double crimps. They are made of steel with a high carbon proportion and both handles have orange and black colour to always see them in your tackle. Both handles have loop holes for strings. With BENDIX pliers, you’ll be prepared for every situation when fishing for predators!

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