Balansuojantys boiliai CCMOORE Belachan Wafters

Balansuojantys boiliai CCMOORE Belachan Wafters

8,99 €

Dark grey, durable 10x14mm wafting dumbell hookbaits glugged in our highly attractive, salty, Liquid Belachan Compound. Supplied in pots of 50, these year-round hookbaits are superb when used with PVA bags and sticks of Belachan Pellets or Bag Mix.

  • 10x14 mm

Belachan is a simply legendary fish attractor and is a natural product that is produced in Malaysia. ‘Belachan’ is fermented shrimp and is primarily used as a human food additive that delivers a deep, salty taste and aroma acting as a flavour label and a natural appetite stimulant. 

Over many years, experienced and knowledgeable anglers have used this product to great effect adding it to all different forms of bait

Belachan Wafter Properties:

  • ‘Belachan block grey’, hand rolled hookbaits
  • Pots of 50, 10x14mm wafting dumbell hookbaits
  • Hookbaits are glugged in our Liquid Belachan Compound
  • High content of soluble attractors; ideal for year-round use
  • Deep, savoury, fermented shrimp aroma, salty taste
  • Rich in amino acids derived from shrimp protein
  • Contains pure, Malaysian belachan powder 
  • Can be easily trimmed to balance; durable for 18 hours
  • Superb as single hookbaits or for snowman presentations
  • Perfectly compliment any fish and shellfish-based products


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